Wānaka Heartland Service centre

Contact information 

Community Link Upper Clutha
Wānaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall St

Phone:  034437799
Email: info@communitylink.nz
Heartlands Coordinator: Kim Baker

Open hours: 
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm (Tuesday 8:00am - 6:00pm)

For more information on the services offered at your local Heartland Service centre go to the Community Link Upper Clutha website.

Services we can support you with: 

  • Foodbank
  • Social Worker
  • Financial advice
  • Total Mobility
  • Hospital transport
  • MOW delivery
  • Work and Income (WINZ) forms
  • Immigration forms
  • Computer use
  • Phone use
  • Scanning and Printing

Services available by appointment:

  • Justice of Peace (JP)
  • Community Law
  • Inland Revenue (IR)
  • Immigration
  • Ministry of Social Development New Zealand Superannuation

For more information about services available at your local service centre, please contact your local Heartlands Coordinator

Additional services and information:

  • Community Kitchen fortnightly
  • Community Gardens
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