Contact information
39 Jellicoe Street
Wairapapa 5711
Phone: 021612945
Email: or
Heartland Service Manager: Charlotte Harding
Heartland Service Support (ACE facilitator): Pip Maynard
Open hours:
Monday - Friday - 9:00am - 4:00pm
For more information on the services offered at your local Heartland Service centre go to the REAP Wairarapa Heartlands Facebook page .
Services we can support you with:
- Assistance with access to government and non-government services
- Access to government forms
- Printing, photocopying & scanning
- Personal support from our Heartlands Coordinator. We are a starting point, and we can work with you to help you access the services and support that you need. If we don’t know we will find out!
- Information on Wairarapa based community services.
- E-mail service to Government Agencies
- Identify, access (and print/scan) Government forms: e.g. MSD, IR
- CV writing
- Workshops and Clinics
Services available by appointment:
- Adult Community Education programmes, empowering whanau by offering a second chance at learning
- Age Concern
- Building Financial Capabilities
- Digital seniors
- Hospice Wairarapa
- Inland Revenue
- Youth 2 Work
Additional services and information:
• Rooms for private hire: Room1: a meeting room for up to 6 people. Central rectangular table great for meeting with clients. Room 2: A private office space for maximum 4 people. Suits video conferencing. Room 3: A private office space for up to 6 people. Room 4: A big meeting space for up to 20 people Movable tables and chairs. Includes a smart tv available for presentations. Note – this room is not able to be shut off (is used as a walkway to the kitchen) so not suitable for events that need privacy. Reduced rates for not for profits organisations and free for some Heartland Services.